Monday, February 17, 2014

Welcome to my blog

What is this blog about………. after some serious thought I have decided to finally do this.  This isn’t a blog that is necessarily about me, I am already grown up… well for the most part.  This will basically be a combo blog about the adventures of my nephew growing up geek, and about my daily geek life (which trust me isn't to grand but some fun stuff happens from time to time).  I will give you some brief history to why I have decided to do this, and some history on myself also so you will know a little about who is writing this.

To me, I take pride in being a geek, nerd, whatever you want to call me.  I was always one of those kids in school that did very well and loved going.  In the beginning I really didn’t do so great, but it wasn’t because I didn’t want too but because I well kind of couldn’t. For those that know me I have always had issues with speech, and when I was younger it was really bad. So I didn’t like reading out loud and all that stuff so it was hard and you know kids will be kids so that made it harder ( and I was also a tom-boy and daddys brat so that didn’t make things much better for me, I had TMNT instead of dolls….well I had some Michael Jordan action figures but those wasn’t dolls lol )  But on top of that I was also and still am bad dyslexic, so I was slow at reading and it took me a while to comprehend .  I eventually worked thru it all, I attended speech class until my freshman year in high school then requested that my mother withdraw me.  Reading and other subjects became very easy for me.  Middle School was where I found my love for art, which still grows today.  I had an awesome mother and father who allowed me to draw and paint my bedroom walls so I was all the time getting new pencils and art supplies to play with.  I was very lucky to have supportive parents.   After high school I went on to college did the two year degree stuff then went on and got my bachelor’s degree.  All together I was in college for 5 years and did very well graduated top of my class with honors.  Did all the honor societies stuff and all that good stuff that I no longer keep hanging on my walls.   On thru the years I have had my ups and downs with a lot of things, health issues mainly.  Brain surgery, among other surgeries, doctors and more doctors along with meds and more meds.  Even though it was all crazy it did help me to filter out those people in my life that I didn’t need there.  Which was basically almost everyone.  And if you haven’t noticed during this whole spell about me, I have not mentioned a husband, boyfriend, kids or anything of that nature and that is because well there is none of that for me.  I am not and have never been married and I don’t have any children, and there is no boyfriend, even though I have had a few none are still around.  And I am content with that.

Now, the now ME is still the same geek I was 20 plus years ago.  I still love my TMNT and I wish I still had my MJ action figures and all my TMNT awesomeness I had when I was younger.  I still have that love for art/design and learning. My geekness has went to more grown up things like Doctor Who :D, LOTR, The Avengers, comics, legos, books, and the list goes on and on, and sorry but yes all of those are grown up lol.

Now for the reason for this blog/page. Being that I have no children my sister does.  And due to the fact that she has been with a geek and married him for almost most of her life the children that they have which counts 2, a 5 almost 6 year old boy and a little girl who is just a few months old, they have continued the geek-gene line.  My brother in-law who I adore is and has always been a mega geek to me.  He is a computer-tech nerd, star wars addict (movies and books, yes they do have star war novels ), lego building geek. And needless to say my nephew is a bigger geek than him lol, and I love it.

This blog will detail and take you on the adventure of growing up geek.  Pictures, video’s, toys, movies, games, apps, gear and just all that great fun stuff that helps make the adventure more fun.  And for those of you that don’t know, YES there is a video of my then 4 year old nephew doing the force on some other children in a Christmas school play and I plan on posting it lol if that aint geek then I don’t know what is lol.

So I hope who ever reads this enjoys all the laughs and tears, trust me most of the tears will be from laughing so no worries.